‘Do Your Own Thing’ programme
16th September 2020
Ever fancied working for yourself?
Got a great idea to help you earn your own money?
Fed up of relying on benefits?
Unable to get a job due to your health or family circumstances?
Why not look into working for yourself?
Are you a woman living in West Yorkshire who is currently not working?
If so, you qualify for this free support!
Do Your Own Thing is a free 12 week programme to support women in West Yorkshire to set up their own business
Delivered by local social enterprise SEE Ahead, who will help you to work through your ideas, ensuring you have all the information you need to start a business.
With in-depth support, specifically designed to help you, boosting your confidence and allowing you to gather the knowledge you need to set up your own business at your own pace.
Give Louanne a call on 07980 292146 or e-mail her on louanne.roberts@seeahead.co.uk or Helen on 07703 144384 or e-mail her on helen.hoyle@seeahead.co.uk to find out how to get involved.