Funded Support

Self Employment Support

Do Your Own Thing!

Do Your Own Thing! is a free support programme aimed at women who are not working or in education and are looking to get into self-employment. We will work with you on your confidence, motivation and business ideas so that you are prepared to be self-employed. We will support you to start your own business through a series of group training sessions and one-to-one coaching and support meetings. The programme will be delivered online and we can provide support to overcome any IT or technology issues.

For more information:


Accelerated support, tools and advice for self-employment as a viable long-term option.

We provide life-changing self-employment support for those who don’t see themselves in the current labour market, have potential barriers to employment and for whom self-employment is a real option. Intensive support is delivered, either on a one-to-one basis or in small groups, to help clients embark on the journey to becoming their own boss.

Becoming self-employed can seem overwhelming; we know it’s not an easy path and that sustainability is a real issue. But with plans and realistic targets for actions and goals, it is achievable. Our aim is simple – to help those for who self-employment is a possibility, realise their dream of financial long-term health and its associated wellbeing.

We can help people to SEE ahead to what’s possible, to explore the options and test out what self-employment will entail for them. Market research, planning, pricing, marketing and capacity building; we will assess and advise on the most effective route for each individual.

Each package of self-employment support will include:

  • Business Planning
  • Financial Management
  • Personal Development through Coaching and Mentoring
  • Planning and Implementation of New Business Ideas
  • Marketing and Promotion
Website by Agency For Good

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Business Support to SEE the way Ahead